Private Swamp in Louisiana - a favorite of mine. Great Egret posed on her nest.

Cazan Lake Louisiana - Roseate Spoonbills arguing over space.

Cazan Lake Louisiana - Great Egrets mating.

Cazan Lake Louisiana - Great Egret checking and rotating her eggs.

Cazan Lake Louisiana - Great Egret preparing to offer a stick to a mate.

Cazan Lake Louisiana - Great Egret checking on the chicks.

High Island Texas - Roseate Spoonbill prepares to get a really good stick.

High Island Texas - early one chilly morning, some birds are staying warm, and one mom is feeding her chicks breakfast.

High Island Texas - breakfast was good.

High Island Texas - Roseate Spoonbill looking for a good stick.

Private Swamp in Louisiana - I was surprised at the close proximity of the Great Egrets and the Blue Herons.

Private Swamp in Louisiana

Private Swamp in Louisiana - the closeness of egrets and herons.

Private Swamp in Louisiana - late afternoon as the sun sets behind us.

High Island Texas - mom checking her eggs.

High Island Texas - I watched these two wrestle that very large stick for more than 30 minutes. After it was placed, another spoonbill on the ground walked up, grabbed it, and walked off with the stolen stick.

Private Swamp in Louisiana - three older chicks waiting for mom to bring food.

Private Swamp in Louisiana - mom is being attacked to get the meal.

Private Swamp in Louisiana - mom has returned and she raises her head to prepare to get the food up her throat.

Private Swamp in Louisiana - I was intrigued by the two on the left. Are they sharing a nest....or, in the wrong nest.....or...?

High Island Texas - artificial nesting area. A total of 10 chicks in the three nests.

High Island Texas - Great Egrets paired up, bringing sticks, and building the nest.

Private Swamp in Louisiana - my first photograph in this new location. I was invited to this private swamp and I was happy!!!

Private Swamp in Louisiana - these nasty birds waiting for a chick to fall, or for an opportunity to steal one out of the nest.