Photography Projects
Texas Big Bend Nat'l Park (April 2018)
Painted Churches - Schulenburg, Tx
Grand Isle, Louisiana - April 2017
New Orleans - Vieux Carre'
South Texas (at the watering hole)
Henderson Swamp
Rookery Birds from three locations.
Birds of High Island Texas
Along the Mississippi River
Eagles - Homer, Alaska
Photo Stories
It was an adventure.......
ITALY - Sept. 2017
ABOUT - Jack Holmes
My Photography Website
Photography Projects
Texas Big Bend Nat'l Park (April 2018)
Painted Churches - Schulenburg, Tx
Grand Isle, Louisiana - April 2017
New Orleans - Vieux Carre'
South Texas (at the watering hole)
Henderson Swamp
Rookery Birds from three locations.
Birds of High Island Texas
Along the Mississippi River
Eagles - Homer, Alaska
Photo Stories
It was an adventure.......
ITALY - Sept. 2017
ABOUT - Jack Holmes
My Photography Website
South Texas (at the watering hole)
Some of the birds and animals that I photographed in South Texas
Lazuli Bunting (male - left) and Female Bunting (right)
Even wasps get water
This Thrasher was allowing ants to get in his feathers and on his skin (anting) for cleaning
Painted Bunting after his bath
Crested Caracara
Black-Crested Titmouse
Female Buntings
Painted Bunting (male)
Greater Roadrunner
Green Jay (seen mostly in Mexico and South America and only in the most southern part of Texas)
Black-Crested Titmouse
Curious young Buck.....buttons are just showing
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