A lone Osprey watches over the marsh waiting for a fish to catch his eye. Highway 1 toll road is in the background.

Egrets fishing in the marsh.

I found this Osprey perched on the pole along old Highway 1.

I parked far enough away from him and slowly walked up the highway to get a closer shot. He decided to take his catch and fly away as I approached - too close for his comfort.

A brown pelican circles above the marsh looking for a meal.

After I left old highway 1, I headed back towards Grand Isle and found this Osprey eating his catch.

I watched him for several minutes and he finally decided to fly away with his catch firmly in his grip.

I'll just call them "Boudreaux and Thibodeaux"!!! :)

Black Necked Stilts working the marsh grass along the gravel road to Elmer's Island.

Another Stilt focused on the water as he looks for food.

Reddish Egret in a pool just behind Elmer's Island.

A lone Brown Pelican in a "creche" of Royal Terns. The Pelican looks like it is glaring at the tern taking a bath.

A common sight along the beach.....a shrimper and birds catching brown shrimp.

Late that afternoon I drove up the bayou on Highway 1 to a great spot, hoping for a spectacular sunset. Too many clouds overshadowed the sunset I was hoping for. But, I made some photographs anyway. There are very few trees in the marsh....dead from salt water intrusion and damage from hurricanes.

Same spot....different view....and about 5 minutes later.

Later that night after moonrise I made this handheld shot of the moon....full moon was two nights before I made this photograph.